Eating Like You Give a Damn

02: From Raising Animals for Meat, To Running a Sanctuary | Florida Rescue Farm

Stephanie Harter Episode 2

In this episode, you’ll hear how Glenn Maresca and Kelly McCormick originally started a homestead in rural Florida to remove themselves from the modern food system. They planned to raise their animals for their own milk, eggs, and meat...and then developed empathy for the animals they raised for food and converted to a farm animal rescue and sanctuary. You’ll hear them reference some of them by name, like Moobee, Maybee, Norman, and how the Animals develop friendships and protect one another.

We also talk about:

  • The Economics of meat, dairy, and eggs driving sales and how living as vegans helps them to save animals and the planet despite what the government is doing.
  • How cattle ranchers are locked into their professions…even if they would rather be raising vegetables instead of animals
  • And, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to start and run a farm animal sanctuary, and how to budget for it, we cover that too.

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Veg On, Rebels.